Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Ceramic Events Calendar

We have a number of events listed on the calendar that say something like "no details yet, keep checking back." Well, it looks like the details are rolling in as updated web pages have appeared for quite a number of the 'Fests we have listed. We will be updating the calendar with all the new information this weekend, so hopefully you can stop having to "keep checking back."

And for what it's worth, we have started the review on True 'Cue charcoal from the folks that brought you the Bubba Keg metal cooker. It's been a while since we reviewed a lump charcoal, so we are really looking forward to this.

By the way, if anyone owns a Bubba Keg metal cooker in the North Carolina region and wants to let us play with it contact us. Or if you want to give us $450 so we can buy one, let us know! :-)


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Back From The Granola State, Time To Get Cracking!

Well, the Naked Whiz Publishing Empire is cranking up again and it's time to get busy again. We just purchased a quantity of True 'Cue charcoal from Home Depot and plan on starting a review this weekend. This is brought to you from the folks who brought you the Bubba Keg grill. If this turns out to be a good brand of charcoal, it will be another option for buying lump charcoal from a store that is nation-wide. We'll see how it turns out and hope to have the review published in a couple of weeks.

As for other projects, we need to get cracking on all sorts of things, too numerous to list. One major item is to re-review Frontier Lump Charcoal now that they have a US-sourced charcoal. We also have a few tests we hope to run and publish in Information Central. So be on the lookout for more web site updates over the next couple of months!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time to follow The Whiz on Twitter?

On May 8th, we will be attending the first ever Carolina Eggfest in Winston-Salem, NC. We will, of course, be taking pictures and posting photos, but we will also be Twittering away a live feed to keep you up to date on events. You will find us on Twitter at this address. Follow us and find out what's happening at the First Annual Carolina Eggfest!


Monday, April 12, 2010

Wordpress has its own set of annoynances, it seems....

Wow, go to Wordpress and they won't let you advertise or customize a template without having to pay a fee. Their import feature either doesn't work or takes forever. Looks like we are doomed to try to fight our way through this nonsense on blogger.


Bah, this is rubbish.....

We can only make the Whizlog look the way we wish by essentially treating the Whizlog as a new website, meaning we will have to do dual maintenance whenever we wish to update the overall look of the page. Bah, this is rubbish...


Just as we suspected......

We migrated our Whizlog to the blogspot servers using their migration tool, and just as we suspected, our Whizlog no longer looks the way we want it to. We aren't sure if we can overcome the crippling effect of Blogger's wonderful new way of doing things, so things are still up in the air. Don't worry if things look funky or broken over the next several weeks as it is probably just us trying to uncripple our Whizlog....


This blog has moved

This blog is now located at
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For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to

Note that this post was automatically created by Blogger and inserted into the Whizlog as a part of the Whizlog migration.

Major Change of Some Sort Coming

Blogger has decided to urinate on their users and are removing a very basic function. This may prevent us from continuing to use Blogger as our Whizlog service. We may no longer be able to have a Whizlog that looks like a Whizlog and that we are not prepared to do. So we shall be investigating other options and will let you know on our website what will happen to Whizlog. Sorry, but you know how it is when a service gets gobbled up, digested and then expelled by Google. Blogger is sorry, so we are sorry. Uh, huh.....


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Oh dear, it's been a while again.....

We really don't keep up with this blogging stuff very well, do we? We suppose it is to do with the fact that we spend so much time keeping the web site up to date with new features. Oh well, if you haven't been watching, we added a number of lovely little gorgeous little things to the website.

1) The Event Calendar and 'Fest Map. A list of events that are related to ceramic cookers, and an online interactive map showing the location of all the ceramic 'Fests that we come across. Interesting how every last one of them is an Eggfest. The map really drives home how wide-spread this phenomenon has become.

2) We've added two cold smoking articles, one using "SmokeCones" and the other showing how to build a cold smoke generator using a paint can, dryer hose, elbow and pipe clamp. There's more to come, but we'll get there when we get there.

3) Now's the time to start following The Naked Whiz on Twitter. We'll be doing a live Twitaganza from the first ever Carolina Eggfest on May 8. You won't want to miss a single exciting post, lol!

4) How here's something to excite you. We finally scrapped using scraps of paper to make lists of things to do for the website and started using the "Tasks" function of Outlook to track and prioritize all these damn projects. We've got a number of charcoals to review, recipes to document, tests to perform, and on and on. Now we have no excuse for forgetting!

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