Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Extruded Coconut Charcoal Is Back!

Long time readers will remember a time in the distant past when one could buy quality extruded coconut charcoal. It had a sweet smell, burned evenly like briquettes but capable of higher temperatures. It was a perfect fuel for low and slow overnight cooks as it produced little ash.

Unfortunately, the company selling it ran out and was never able to supply quality charcoal ever again. (You can read the long sad story of the rubbish charcoal they attempted to pawn off onto their customers at the Lump Charcoal Database. Just look for the reviews of the various incarnations of Kamado extruded coconut charcoals.)

But that was then and this is now. Komodo Kamado (not to be confused with said previous supplier) decided to fill this gaping hole in the charcoal world by trying to find the original supply. To make a long story short, Komodo Kamado came to the conclusion that the only way to supply quality extruded coconut charcoal was to make it themselves.

So to make an even longer story even shorter, a box of Komodo Kamado Sustainable extruded coconut charcoal arrived at our doorstep yesterday afternoon. Needless to say, we will begin a review of this highly anticipated product as soon as our little adventure with the orthopaedic surgeon comes to a satisfactory conclusion. But we are excited about the possibility that we all may now have a reliable source of this charcoal from a reliable and reputable source. We'll of course let you know when the Naked Whiz Publishing Empire resumes operations.



At October 26, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous Griffin said...

Thanks. Looking forward to reading your review of it.

At November 4, 2011 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous The Naked Whiz said...

Looking good to get started this weekend.


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