Update to the pitmasterIQ.com iQue 110 temperature controller
We re-ran our tests and measured the cooker temperature in the manner in which we did for the BBQ Guru NanoQ, and we calculated the accuracy and swing numbers using the same method we used for the NanoQ and the Auber Instruments controller.
Bottom line? Well several of the numbers got better and a few got a little worse. Our personal view hasn't changed, however. This is a great little controller that we will continue to use when we want a quick and simple controller that will keep our cooker close to our target.
I guess one of these days I might try one of the temp control devices on our Eggs but I've been fine just using the slide vent and DFMT. I appreciate your thorough and detailed reviews. I always feel like I'm getting objective facts from your posts.
Nice Blog, valuable and excellent design, as share good stuff with good ideas and concepts, lots of great information and inspiration, We are also dealing same products like: Temperature Controllers, Pressure Transmitters, Mass Flow Meters, Liquid Leak Detection, Process Heaters, and many other industrial automation and control products.
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