Today's status....
Well, not much to report. Or, a lot to report. I guess it depends on your point of view. The wife (yes, the wife who....) went to Vegas for a few days. So, while the cat's away.....
We have completed all our testing on the Kingsford Competition briquettes. We are almost done writing up the report for the web page. We just need to proof read, write the conclusions, and then remove all the snippy comments about Kingsford. We need to keep our objectivity intact, you know. But one does have to wonder why they claim that "high heat" is good for "slow cooking!" And one does have to wonder why they couldn't come up with a new name rather than use one that has been used before for a lump charcoal. Oh well. The new web page should be published in the next few days.
The latest excitement is that we just received our new CyberQ II from The BBQ Guru. We need to start making plans for a full review. We hope to do this around mid-May. Keep your eyes glued to our website!